
  • The heavy wall discharge pipe and main beam work together as a rigid truss, providing a strong frame for your pump.
  • 8-seal system, all oil bath bearing assemblies offer unmatched protection against sand and twine.
  • The easy-access service doors make greasing simple while the reliable seal keeps manure out.
  • Modular design to get exactly what you want.


  • The heavy wall discharge pipe and main beam work together as a rigid truss, providing a strong frame for your pump.
  • 8-seal system, all oil bath bearing assemblies offer unmatched protection against sand and twine.
  • The easy-access service doors make greasing simple while the realiable seal keeps manure out.
  • Modular design to get exactly what you want.
  • Operates at extraordinary fuel efficiency, delivering very high flow rates at very low horsepower.
  • 8’’ (20 cm) discharge pipe
  • 8’’ x 8’’ (20 cm x 20 cm) main beam
  • Standard impeller, Gearbox propeller or Pumpeller hybrid turbine
  • 3-point hitch: 19, 22 or 25 ft (5.6, 6.7 or 7.6 m)
  • Trailer: 32, 42, 52, 62 or 72 ft (9.5, 12.8, 15.8, 19 or 22 m)
  • Oilbath bearing chamber
  • Five wheel kit models
  • Bipod loading pipe, Load carts or Powerboom for discharge
  • Choice of hydraulic controls
  • Hardox-450 housing for use in sand bedding
  • 10’’ (25 cm) discharge pipe
  • 8’’ x 8’’ (20 cm x 20 cm) main beam
  • Standard impeller, Pumpeller hybrid or Maxx-10 turbine
  • 3-point hitch: 25’ (7.6 m)
  • Trailer: 42’, 52’, 62’, 72’ (12.8, 15.8, 19, 22 m)
  • Oilbath bearing chamber
  • Five wheel kit models
  • Bipod loading pipe or Load carts for discharge
  • Choice of hydraulic controls Optional
  • Hardox-450 housing for use in sand bedding
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Standard impeller

Standard impellers are simple and economical, a good choice for fast pumping of lagoons with sand or moderate top crust. The large inlet and paddles handle most debris or lumps with ease.

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Gearbox propeller

Gearbox mixing models provide fast mixing of tough or stringy bedding. The hardened ledger knife quickly cuts hay or other long materials as the mixing auger or our high-performance 2-bladed propeller creates rapid mixing.

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Pumpeller hybrid turbine

The Pumpeller hybrid turbine excels in all conditions. The propeller at the center of the turbine creates a powerful suction that pulls in tough solids and obliterates them at up to 50 cuts per second; while the integral impeller blades on the outer edge deliver fast load-out and high cannon pressure.

The patented design is virtually unblockable and provides the fastest agitation of thick crusts. Select the Hardox-450 housing for use in sand bedding.

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Extra heavy construction and special materials make Maxx-10 the ultimate sand machine. The cast Ni-Hard housing outlasts steel, cast iron or white iron. The single 10” (25 cm) outlet operates at maximum efficiency, creating less turbulence and wear than multiported volute models.

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Pumpeller hybrid turbine

The 10 inch Pumpeller operates at extraordinary fuel efficiency, delivering very high flow rates at very low horsepower. This hybrid turbine excels in all conditions. The propeller at the center of the turbine creates a powerful suction that pulls in tough solids and obliterates them at up to 50 cuts per second; while the integral impeller blades on the outer edge deliver fast load-out and high cannon pressure.

The patented design is virtually unblockable and provides the fastest agitation of thick crusts. Select the Hardox-450 housing for use in sand bedding.

7 steps to choose the perfect pump

1. Trailer or 3-point hitch

1. Trailer or 3-point hitch

Trailer pumps are made for sloped wall or vertical wall entry. They have a very long reach in the pit and do not apply any load on tractor. Choose the 3-point hitch models for vertical-wall pits up to 17 ft (5.3 m) deep. They are easy to maneuver and more affordable.

2. Pumping kit

2. Pumping kit

Choose your weapon. With the largest range of impeller models in the industry, you can choose the ideal model for your operation. Choose between Standard impeller, Gearbox propeller, Pumpeller hybrid turbine or Maxx-10. The Maxx-10 is only available with the 10” (25 cm) discharge pipe.

3. Wheel kit

3. Wheel kit

Heavy pumps need heavy undercarriages so every wheel kit sits on an 8” (20 cm) pivot and has dual lift cylinders. Extra lift height on the dual wheel kits ensures safe entry into pits with steep ramps, while the telescopic wheel kit can work in either ramps or in vertical wall storage. The wide stance on the side-fold wheel kit offers maximum stability in deep sand, yet folds for road travel.

4. Discharge type

4. Discharge type

Valmetal offers Bipod loading pipe, Load carts or Powerboom for discharge. Make transport and set-up a simple one-man job with the Powerboom. This 8’’ (20 cm) hydraulic loading pipe that has plenty of reach for most situations, while offering fast and easy set up at the touch of a button. The dual-discharge option lets you load with Powerboom or a load cart.

5. Stabilizers

5. Stabilizers

The strong cannon force requires heavy duty stabilizers on trailer models. Choose from the manual or hydraulic versions. Hydraulic stabilizers are required for pumps with Powerboom or telescopic wheel kit.

6. Hitch adjustment

6. Hitch adjustment

Choose from the standard clevis, large clevis, or Bull-Pull hitch to suit your tractor. The hitch angle is adjustable to maximize PTO life, choose manual or hydraulic adjustment.

7. Hydraulic controls

7. Hydraulic controls

With the vast selection of models and options available, some pumps may only have a few hydraulic functions to operate while others may have many. Our wide selection of hydraulic controls can be mixed & matched to give you the perfect setup for the way you work.

Pumping kits

Standard impeller

PTO RPM Diameter Blades Propeller Power
540 27’’ (68 cm) 4 - 110 HP (82 kw)
1000 19’’ (48 cm) 3 - 160 HP (119 kw)
1000 19’’ (48 cm) 6 - 225 HP (168 kw)

Gearbox propeller

PTO RPM Diameter Blades Propeller Power
540 28’’ (71 cm) 6 2-blade 135 HP (100 kw)
1000 20’’ (51 cm) 5 Auger 180 HP (134 kw)
1000 20’’ (51 cm) 5 2-blade 240 HP (179 kw)

Pumpeller hybrid turbine

PTO RPM Diameter Blades Propeller Power
540 28’’ (71 cm) 3 - 115 HP (86 kw)
1000 20’’ (51 cm) 3 - 180 HP (134 kw)

Pumping kits

Standard impeller

PTO RPM Diameter Blades Propeller Power
1000 20'' (51 cm) 5 - 270 HP (201 kw)

Pumpeller hybrid turbine

PTO RPM Diameter Blades Propeller Power
540 28’’ (71 cm) 3 - 150 HP (112 kw)
1000 20’’ (51 cm) 3 - 225 HP (168 kw)

Maxx-10 impeller

PTO RPM Diameter Blades Propeller Power
1000 20'' (51 cm) 5 - 225 HP (168 kw)
1000 20'' (51 cm) 6 - 260 HP (194 kw)

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